Friday, February 15, 2013

Don't pop your top!

We get a variety of different types of jobs here at NPC. Here is one of our food packaging jobs: the salad bowl. We work closely with the quality departments of several food packaging vendors to ensure mating parts fit correctly. Thanks to our services, you won't be vacuuming that chicken salad off of your car seat after your next drive thru visit!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

And in the left corner...weighing in at just over 2000 pounds...The BEHEMOTH!!! After this part gets inspected it will help move material in some of the world's most challenging deep mining operations.

Friday, February 1, 2013

We won’t give you a snow job, but you can give us one!! These snow blower components are welded together to a tight tolerance and require careful precise measurement in Nel Pretech’s environmentally controlled lab.